• A Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC) is a registered nurse with specialized training who has successfully mastered the rigorous CLNC Certification Program. Legal nurse consulting is a field in which nurses use clinical knowledge and expertise for legal purposes. Attorneys, insurance companies, and governmental agencies hire CLNC’s to review and analyze medical records.

  • While the attorney is the legal expert, the CLNC is the expert on the healthcare system and its inner workings. Nowhere else will you find this level of cost-effective expertise for reviewing medical records and understanding the subtleties of the healthcare system.

  • From the moment a potential case comes in, the CLNC becomes an invaluable asset by identifying the medical issues, screening the case for merit and providing additional services relevant to your case.

  • The services of a CLNC are far more cost-effective than those of a physician. As the healthcare provider who is face to face with the patient every day, the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant can educate you about a wide range of medical issues. This knowledge saves you time and money when working with expensive medical experts.